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Describe a place (notin your country) that you would like to visit Исполнитель

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Describe a place (notin your country) that you would like to visit

You should say:

How and when you would go there

How you know about this place

What the scenery is like in this place

Who you would go with

and explain why you want to visit it


In the coming month, I'd like to pay a visit to London with my family, and tour

along the River Thames where there are lots to see, the famous Buckingham

Palace and the Big Ben, for example.

Ever since I fell in love with English, I was hopeful to see the country where

the language originates and the city where live the royalty. The historical

buildings and the unique view there will definitely impress us.

During the one-week journey, though we could not go into the Buckingham

Palace for a visit, for it's said it's open to the public from July to September,

we will surely make it to watch the wonderful Ceremony of Changing Guard.

Then we will visit Westminster Hall to appreciate St. Stephen's Porch and

grand hall, and we expect to have a chance to go up to the Campanile Bell, to

have a look of the whole city. At night, we prefer to take the well-known

London Eye, and enjoy the special view over the River Thames. Of course, we

will tour around the landmark of England, the Big Ben, which I got to know, at

first, from the article in New Concept English, which said it's renowned the

world over for its accuracy, which is always to be within one second, and it's connected to the microphones of BBC. We will wait for its striking, which is

said can be heard for miles around. It's a pity that foreigntourists can no

longer be allowed to enter the clock building, but I have searched the internet

and enjoy the online tour of it. I am looking forward to going to appreciate the

clock in person in the future. I could not wait for the trip to London.

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