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Letter. It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your building Исполнитель

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It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your building . You oppose this plan . Write to the Project Director on behalf of the residents and give the specific reasons and details to support your position.


Dear sir or madam ,

I am writing to let you know that    having known your plans to build a new restaurant in our building , a lot of people have become too nerveous .

Behalf of our company , in my opinion , buiding a new restaurant may make some issues . First of all , our area is not  large enough and building is not suitable for a restaurant . Secondly , it may make a big noise and cause some problems  . In addition to this ,  your restaurant may decrease the number of  our customers .

I hope that you will change your plans .

Thank you very much for paying attention to my request .

Sincerely ,

MR “X”.

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