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2019 IELTS exam real speaking questions Исполнитель

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Recent IELTS exam speaking questions for 2019 can be found below. 


1. Where do you live?

2. What do you like about the house you live in?

3.If you could change anything what would it be?

4. Are there many public holidays in your country?

5. What do the people usually do on public holidays?


  1. Describe a good law in your country.
  2. Describe a time when you had some medicine.
  3. Describe something you made with your hand for your friend.
  4. Talk about something you like to do in your leisure time.
  5. Talk about a skill that takes a long time to learn.
  6. Talk about the happiest situation in your life.
  7. Talk about a beautiful city.
  8. Describe a family business.
  9. Describe a time when you searched for information from the internet.
  10. Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted.
  11. Talk about equipment that was broken and you got repaired (or which had a problem).
  12. Describe a faraway place that you would like to visit.
  13. Talk about a recent activity that made you happy (something that happened recently that made you happy).
  14. Talk about a foreign language you want to learn (other than English).
  15. An important decision you made with help of someone.
  16. Talk about a time when you received money as a gift.
  17. Talk about a thing you complained about something ( but finally got a good result).
  18. Talk about a place where you like to study (indoors/outdoors).
  19. Talk about your favorite place for shopping.
  20. Describe a teenager you know.
  21. An interesting part of your country or A place that is interesting in your country.
  22. Talk about an interesting talk or a lecture.
  23. Talk about something that you borrowed from your friend.
  24. Talk about a game or sport you enjoyed when you were young.
  25. Describe a person whom you have never met but heard a lot about him and would like to meet.
  26. Describe an important tree (plant) in your country.
  27. Describe an activity you enjoy doing when you are alone.
  28. Describe a person you know who is working on protecting the environment.
  29. Talk about a TV Program that made you laugh a lot.
  30. Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is important.
  31. A comic actor who is popular in your country.
  32. A talkative person.
  33. Talk about a math skill that you learned in your primary / elementary school.
  34. An animal you like the most (Strange/ seen for the first time).
  35. A competition you would like to take part in.
  36. Talk about something you would like to get replaced.
  37. Design of a building you visited and liked / Tal about a building.
  38. First Mobile Phone.
  39. Describe a party / describe a party you attended or joined.
  40. Describe an old friend from your childhood.
  41. Favorite song.
  42. A street market in your city / A street market where you did shopping.
  43. Something that helps you concentrate.
  44. A visit you made using public transport.
  45. Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future.
  46. My favorite magazine/ Talk about a magazine you read.
  47. Something happened that made you happy/ A happy time you experienced recently.
  48. Describe a time when you had to change your plan / you changed your mind.
  49. Describe something important that you lost in the past.
  50. A piece of clothing that you like to wear on a special occasion (Answer in PresentTense) / or piece of cloth you wore on a special occasion (Answer in Past tense).
  51. Describe a place where you often visit with friends and family.
  52. Describe about some story which you like a lot or someone told you about. Or describe a memorable story told by someone.
  53. What would be your perfect holiday or vacation look like?
  54. Describe the time when someone took a good photograph of you.
  55. Describe something you did to help others / Occasion on which you have helped someone.
  56. Talk about an important river or lake in your country or hometown.
  57. An exciting book you read.
  58. Describe a country in which you would like to work for a short time.
  59. A website which helped you to do something/website you visit often.
  60. Talk about a situation where you had to be polite.
  61. Interesting job you would like to do.
  62. Describe a famous person that you are interested in.
  63. Describe a quiet place.

Please post the rest of the recent ielts speaking exam questions for 2019 in the comments below.

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