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Something special you saved money to buy Исполнитель

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Something special you saved money to buy

You should say

What it is?

How did you save money?

How long you’ve been saving for it


Days ago I bought a gold ring for my Mom as a gift for the coming New Year.

I'd planned to buy gifts for my parents since I graduated from university and got

a job last July. I’d saved for the past months to buy the ring for two thousand


Mom was a charming woman, yet she never dressed up. Mom has a good

taste of wearing, and I was always praised by the beautiful clothes she made or

bought for me. However, she seldom had new clothes for herself. She said

there's no need for her to dress up as she had to work. Decades of hard-working

makes her appear much older than she is. Eighteen years ago when I was five.

Dad left to work in the city far away from home, leaving Mom and me at home.

From then on. Mom took up all the farm work, because of which her hands are

really calloused. Once on holding her rough hands, my tears could not help

falling down. I then determined to work hard and made a better living for her and


Months ago. one of my friends mentioned that she'd buy golden ornaments

as the price of gold was falling. Then the idea of buying a ring for Mom came to

my mind with the friend. I searched several shops and decided on one I liked

best. A good ring cost thousands, a little too expensive for me. However, once

decided. I would try my best to do it. Then I saved aside five hundred Yuan each

month from my salary and finally I had the one I chose.

I haven't told her about it because I want it to be a surprise. I just couldn't

wait to see her face when she sees the ring. Maybe she will cry because she is

very emotional. I dunk we should give the best dungs to our loved ones.

Although we might need to save money for a while, it's worth doing it

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