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Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing in a special or formal occasion Исполнитель

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Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing in a special or formal occasion

You should say:What this clothing looks like

Where you bought it

On what occasions you wear it

and explain why you wear it on those occasions or what other people think

about this item of clothing


The piece of clothing I'd like to talk about is a plaid skirt, a bit like a suit. It's

the first piece of formal dress I had, and wearing it, I went through my

internship, attended my job interview. Now I still wear it for working. It's said,

wearing formal clothes makes people appear more professional, and on some

occasions, dressing in formal also shows respect to others.

While attending university, I was casual with my dressing, and jeans and

shirts are my favourite. As I had no idea of making up, people, on first

meeting, always made me for a teenage girl. Since I was training to be an

English teacher, on the fourth year of schooling, I was arranged to be an

intern in a middle school.

Before I enrolled in the school, I was suggested to buy some clothes, for it's

better for me to look more mature, so that I would not be mistaken as a

student. Besides, it's said to appear serious was necessary for an intern

teacher, otherwise it's difficult to win respect from teenager students. Then,

accompanied by my elder sister, I wentto the shopping mall. The whole

morning, I was busying trying on and taking off clothes, however, of which

none was good enough to satisfy both me and my sister, for I believed, those

my sister thought was OK, was too formal, while what I liked appeared too

naive to her. Then we went to the shop, recommended by her friend, where

the owner was a tailor, designing and making all the clothes selling in the

shop. We were attracted by the unique styles of dresses on display, and I

bought the plaid skirt, which was not so special but fitted me well.I have many

clothes suitable for formal occasion, like a party, and the plain skirt isalways

my favourite one.


I will talk about special clothes my family wear on the day of my father’s

birthday, also the Mid-autumn day. We made it a family day and we wear

Hanfu to celebrate the day every year. Hanfu, Chinese traditional clothing,

dates back to Han Dynasty when the Chinese got the name of Han people.

Han Dynasty is recongised as a peak time of Chinese civilization in history,

during which traditional rituals achieved great development. That’s why China

is called the State of Ceremonies. People nowadays seldom wear Hanfu in

their daily life, and the majority of people get the idea of the kind of clothing

from the TV dramas telling the events happened in the past dynasties. The

traditional clothes of Korea and Japan had been influenced by Hanfu, which

enjoys its won characteristics. In general, Hanfu is relatively plain in color,

appearing to be elegant. No buttons are used, instead, exquisite belts are

made to fasten the clothes, well showing wearers’ good figure. Thirdly, Hanfu enjoys wide and loose cuffs, which are decorated with delicate embroider, as

well as the neckline and hem. Besides that, Hanfu, either for male or female,

has various types available. People of different age and status wear different

types of Hanfu in different occasions.

My older sister majored in Costume Design and she is fancy of Hanfu. Four

years ago, she spent a month’s time making Hanfu for our whole family. Since

then, we prefer to wear the unique clothes to celebrate our Family Day.

Chinese gradually realize the importance of keeping our won tradition,

including the clothing. In the past years, an increasing number of schools

offer lessons teaching students of our nation’s etiquette. Several schools

hold the Adult Ceremony for students in traditional way when students wear

Hanfu. There’s a trend for people to celebrate the day for their children

traditionally. In this way, the young generations will have deeper sense of

being Chinese and understanding of our culture and history

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