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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Speaking » Describe an electronic device that you have (or want to have in the future), such as a CD player.
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Describe an electronic device that you have (or want to have in the future), such as a CD player. Исполнитель

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Describe an electronic device that you have (or want to have in the future),

such as a CD player.

You should say:

What it is how you use it

When you use it

and explain how you benefit (or will benefit) from using it.


I'd like to talk about the X-box I bought for my family when I was in Japan.

It's white in color and just a little bigger than a book. The Xbox is a video game

console manufactured by Microsoft.

My friends recommended me this amazing device and I also did some

research on the internet. After seeing it and experiencing it at my friend's home, I really wanted to have one for my family. And the price was comparatively

cheaper, so I bought it last year on my trip there. Now, we have tried many of

the functions the product provides. For example, I can use it to practice driving

with an emulated world it provides. When driving with this device, it's like

driving in the real world. My father and I love playing tennis with it, which helps

us stretch our arms and release the tension from using the computer all the time.

Now, our family would usually play the games together very often, which is good

for our body and mental health. Besides, it has become an important part of our

family life because we could have fun together.

I think X-box is a great electronic product in this modern society, which

allows us to have fun and gives us a great opportunity to exercise without

leaving the house.


Well, months ago I bought a desktop for my family. I bought it as a gift

for my father on his fiftieth' birthday party. My parents worked hard to fund

my study, and they tried their best to provide me a happy life. I received a

laptop by them on my twentieth's birthday as a present for my entering into

university. I have beenworking for almost 3 years, whenever I want to buy

something for them, they would refuse with the same excuse that they have

no need.

It was my father's birthday on March. I thought about many presents

and finally decided on a computer. After the computer was installed, I taught

them how to use it. They were not used to it, but gradually they began to

make use of it. My mother prefers to talk with me onlinewhere we can talk

face to face as we sit together. She finds it very convenient and she enjoys

watching films, too. As shopping online isbecoming more and more popular,

she even asks me to teach her how to do it. While my father has little interest

in online shopping, he'd like to play cards and mahjong on computer. In the

past, he is afraid of getting addicted to playing cards and mahjong, which is

energy-consuming and may cause money losing. Now, with the available of

computer, he can play online to kill time, and he can stop whenever he likes.

The computer makes my parents' life richer and happier. I'm glad I

chose an excellent gift.


Weeks ago, my friend who made a visit to Hong Kong bought a camera

for me. To buy a good SLR camera in a reasonable price, I’d spent a long

time surfing online about the model of a camera. Since the price of digital

product in Hong Kong is lower than that in mainland, I asked my friend to do

me the favor. I bought the camera for my Dad who recently has great interest

in photography.

Dad got retired early this year, but he’s not used to his retirement.

Occupied with work for decades, he does not have many hobbies. This

October, my older sister invited him to travel to Haerbin with her in the tour

organised by her firm and they had a great time there. Dad, in particular, was

impressed by the various old western buildings in the city and the beautiful scenery. The camera we bought years ago is out-dated and can only save a

total of 80 pictures. The photos taken are not so clear compared with those

taken by a SLR camera of a colleague of my sister’s. Looking at the photos

sent from the colleague, Dad sighed that high technology product did work

better. Then one of my father’s old friends. Uncle Li., from Jiangsu Province

paid a visit to us a month ago. He's a great fan of birds and he came on

purpose to Hangzhou to take photos of the mandarin ducks that came to live

in the West Lake to pass the cold winter. Dad kindly showed him around the

West Lake to shoot the lovely birds. Uncle Li is an amateur photographer,

and he enjoys a full equipment of photography, which as he said brought him

much fun. He even suggested my Dad taking up photographing. All my family

agreed that it’s worthwhile for him to have a try. So I bought him a camera,

which I hope will help make his life more colorful.

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