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Describe a recent event that made you feel happy Исполнитель

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Describe a recent event that made you feel happy

You should say

What the event was

When and where it happened

Who participated in this event

What you saw or did

And explain why this event was so enjoyable.


Well, in fact, I feel I've recently become increasingly indifferent to what

happens around me and few events can make me feel happy. But at the end

of last semester, I was really delighted at the news that I passed my physics

final exam. I have been so poor at physics since I was exposed to it. Those

formulas and laws which are easy to the others always puzzle me a lot.

Before the physics exams, I usually stayed up late; and on the exams I would

be very anxious and my hands would even tremble. So you can imagine I

almost never achieved a good score no matter how many hours I put in it.

I felt so frustrated by this subject that I decided not to prepare for the final

examination last semester. Believing that I would fail in the exam, I was

unexpectedly calm during that exam and I finished the exam smoothly

although there were severalquestions I being not able to figure out the


After the exam, I was still unconfident of the result and believed that I would

undoubtedly fail it. But just several days later, when I was really worried

about it, I was informed of the good news by one of my classmates. At that

moment, I was indeed excited and I thought it was calmness that helped to

make it. From the event, I realized the importance of a good psychological

quality and now I am not so afraid of the subject.


A recent event that made me happy was that my older sister came back home for the first

time since her marriage. A week ago, we picked her up at the train station. Mum even cried

on seeing her, for she’d be away from us for more than a year. It’s the happiest thing to me


My sister and her husband got married last summer and moved to live with his parents in

another city, in northern part of China. My parents and I had our first Spring Festival without

her, and we missed her very much. Six months ago, she called up and told us a good news

that she was pregnant. We were so excited on hearing the news, and much happier as she

decided to have the baby back home with us. Mum kept telling her what to cat and do to

stay healthy.

We looked forward to her coming back. During the past months. Mum, Dad and I were busy

preparing stuff to welcome her. Dad took out the wooden cradle that used to hold my sister

and me. Though it’s old, it’s still in good condition. I planed to buy a new one, but my parents insisted, saying that the cradle would be perfect in keeping a baby warm in winter.

Mum unpacked a parcel of old clothing for babies, most of which belonged to my sister and

  1. I could not believe Mum keeps all those. Looking at the tiny clothes, Mum told me

many funny things about us when we were kids. Mum picked out the ones which were

given by my cousin,

who had a baby last year. It’s traditional in our country for a

new-born baby to wear some old clothes, which is believed would benefit the baby. I

bought some clothes and stuff for baby, like toys online, in addition to what Mum and I had

bought in the supermarket. We made full preparation as we could before her arrival.

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