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Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child. Исполнитель

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Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.

You should say:

When you got it

What it looked like

Where you played with it

Who gave it to you

And explain how you used it (how you played with it)


I'd like to talk about the robot I had when I was a child. I had many toys when

I was a child, but my favorite would always be the robot.

I still remember the day my parents gave it to me. It was on my sixth birthday.

The robot was very special from all the toys I had. It was about two feet tall

with five parts, and every part is a car. Each car had a different color— red,

green, blue, yellow, and black.

I liked it very much and would play with it all the time. I would assemble and

dismantle it whenever I could. My parents said this toy was good for the

development of my brain. Sometimes, I would also show my unique robot to

my friends and they all loved it.

I still keep it at home and I think I'll give it to my children to play in the future.

I think good toys are very important for children because we cannot only play

with them but also learn from playing.


Well, I have many toys, including several dolls, which are a favor for most

girls. However, my favourite one is a tricycle, which my parents bought for me

when I was 6.

I was bom and raised up by my grandma in a village. Back to 20 years ago, on

my childhood, the life of people was not so good as people now. My parents

left hometown to work in the city Hangzhou to make a better living when I was

five years old. The following year, I went to Hangzhou to visit them where I

lived for a whole summer holiday and I made friends with the son of the

landlord of my parents'. The boy was at the same age with me and he had a

tricycle for children which cost about 100 yuan, a large sum of money at that

time. Each day, I rode the tricycle with him in his back yard. Time flied. The

date for my going back home for study was arriving soon. I had a long cry on

realizing that I had to leave in three days. My parents asked for a day leave

the next day, and took me to a shopping mall where they bought me some new

clothes and bags of snacks. On the mall, I caughtsight of a tricycle the same

as the boy's, and refused to go while standing looking at it. Finally, my father

bought it for me, spending about one-fifth of his salary.

I was proud of the tricycle, for I was the first one in my village to have such

one. Years later, my father bought me a bicycle as a gift for my going to

middle school. Thanks to the tricycle, I had no difficult in riding the bicycle

without any instruction.

I treasure the happy memory bought by the tricycle, and more on the love of

my parents.

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