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Something you do to keep healthy Исполнитель

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Something you do to keep healthy

You should say:

What you do

When you do it I

How often you do it

Whether you enjoy doing it

and explain how it benefit your health.


In fact, I don't prefer to any sports in particular, neither do I believe in any

health care products, so the only thing I do to keep healthy is going to bed

and getting up early. It seems that it's easy to go to bed and get up early, but

actually it's not the case. Nowadays, an increasing number of pressures from

study or other aspects of life make it hard for us to do so. Firstly, going to bed

early is not easy to do. For example, when some of my classmates stay

uplatepreparing for an exam, I will feel great peer pressure. More than once I

have the impulse to lea m from them and stay up late together with them. And

lots of temptations such as computer games make it worse. Sometimes all the

people in the dorm stay up late engaging in those mindless activities. But I

am usually able to control my impulse and desire to go to bed late in the last

minute and stick to my own lifestyle. And, early to rise isn't that easy either

especially in winter when it's comfortable to linger under the covers. I

sometimes manage to do so by convincing myse If of the benefit of early rise.

In this way, I've kept sleeping 7 or 8 hours a day for years. I think early to bed

and early to rise can help me keep healthy physically and mentally, and can

avoid wasting electrical power as we 11. So, it has become the only thing I do

to keep healthy, and I am proud I can do so because it al so requires

considerable persistence and strong will.


I enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Having a regular diet and resting, I do a lot of

exercise every day.

I have meals three times a day, unlike many of my friends and colleagues who

often go to work without breakfast or have lunch late to midnight. Besides, I

hardly stay up late at night. I used to getting up 6.30 o'clock in the morning

and going to bed 11, occasionally 11.30. Doing this, I am energetic enough to cope with my workeveryday.

I stick to doing exercise. When I was at college, weather permitting, I would

go running on schoolcampus in the morning which offered me a fresh day to

begin with. If I didn't make it in the morning, I would do it at night. Otherwise,

I felt uncomfortable. Now, however, I have to work on weekdays and there

isn't a park or place like that suitable for me to go running, so I turn to bike

riding. Except on days when there is heavy rain or snow, I prefer to ride to my

company rather than taking a bus. It takes me about 50 minutes to get my

company, while it will cost me at least 80 minutes by bus. Thanks to that, I am

rather healthy and seldom fall sick. Riding also helps me to get out of my

sadness and pressure. Seeing people and scene on my way, I feel released.

My bike has been and will always be my first option to go somewhere around.

I appreciate it bringing me a healthy body.


To keep healthy, I keep making meals for myself. I live by myself since

attending work. As many working people, I used to have meals outside. After

a day's work, I just wanted to relax or squeeze time out with friends. So I was

careless of eating. One day last year, however, I had an allergy after a

gathering with friends. Pimples came out overnight, covering my chin. I was

surprised and much more shocked, so I turned to a doctor who told me 1 was

allergic to something unidentifiable, since I ate various foods the day forward.

A good way for me to avoid being allergic again, told by the doctor, was to

cook meals for myself, so that I could pay more attention to what I eat.

Cooking was the last thing I’d like to do, for I thought it was boring and

time-consuming. Besides, I didn't have many experiences of going to market

to buy food. I didn’t know how to pick fresh vegetable, nor did I know any

dishes. However, I was pushed by my Mum to take up cooking, who showed

me how to judge if the vegetable was fresh and the steps to make a dish.

Gradually, I found cooking was not that tiring and it's joyful to make a tasty

dish. Days of practice later, I made my own lunch and shared with my

colleague who gave a high praise. Since then, I keep cooking meals after


Sometimes on weekends, I prefer to invite my friends to my apartment and

treat them instead of eating in restaurant. I now have much interest in

cooking and I'd like to try new ways of cooking. Cooking makes me eat more

healthily and it’s also a good way to relax. I forget the trouble bothering me

while making dishes, and the sense of pride when I succeed in making a new

dish comforts me a lot

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