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Nowadays children spend more time playing computer games than doing sports Исполнитель

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Nowadays children spend more time playing computer games than doing sports. Why is it happening? Does it have a positive or negative effect on their development?

In recent years it has become far more normal for young children to spend most of their time on playing computer games rather than doing physical activities. Whilst this is happening for a number of reasons, I believe this trend could have both positive and negative consequences.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why children, nowadays, are spending more time on playing video games. Firstly, majority of young people are not engaged in sports today, and therefore they prefer to enjoy their free time by virtual games. Moreover, many parents are neglecting their children playing computer games which can spoil the moral standards of children. For example, parents do not limit their children on the amount of time they spend in front of computer. However, playing computer games help young children to develop many important qualities such as, attention, patience or persistence.

On the other hand, if children spend much time on computer games instead of doing sports, it will cause some severe ramifications. For example, there is a strong likelihood that young children may acquire health-related problems such as obesity, when they spend the whole day playing virtual games. These children may also find it difficult to interact with others since they sit in front of computer too much. Thus, young children ought to be encouraged to take part in sports on a daily basis because it allows them to stay healthy and physically strong as well. 

In conclusion, I believe spending too much time on computer games instead of sports has both beneficial and detrimental effects on the growth of children.

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