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Describe your favourite season or time of the year Исполнитель

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Describe your favourite season or time of the year

You should say:What season (or time of the year) it is

What the weather is like at that time

What you usually do at this time

and explain why you enjoy that season or time of the year


My favourite season of the year is summer, when the weather is hot, and

there are occasionally heavy showers. Though some time the temperature

will reach over 40 degrees Celsius, making people suffering even sunstroke, I

think summer is the most interesting time, for I can enjoy the two-month

summer holiday, during the time I can relax from study, as well as try

something new.

This year, together with three friends, I set up a workshop in my neighbour.

It's common in China, in many families, both parents are busy with their work,

and plenty of children are left by themselves. A large number of children

indulge themselves in playing computer games or watching TV, which is

harmful to their health. What's worse, many children lose themselves in

playing and avoid doing their homework, troubling their parents.

Then on the outset this summer holiday, I came up with setting up a workshop

to take care children in the neighbourhood, and my friends were happy to join

  1. We had all together fifteen children, aging seven to thirteen. Early in the

morning, the children were orgainsed to play outside for about one hour, then

they would do their homework at my backyard where it's cool, and we

'teachers', taking turn, were responsibly for helping them if they're in trouble.

Then before the lunch, it's time for movies, when we showed them interesting

movies, and children were encouraged to discuss about what they thought of

what they saw.

It's the most meaningful holiday I had, for it's joyful to be with children and I

was happy to do a favor to my neighbours.


My favourite season is spring, when the weather is warm and continuous

drizzling wets the land. Spring is regarded as the beginning of a year, since

plants start to grow and animals recovering from the cold begin to reproduce.

I like spring, for I can go outside to enjoy myself, after months of winter time

staying indoors. There are many interesting activities to do outdoors, of which

I enjoy having a picnic with my classmates on Spring trip in late March or

early April most.

Every year, schools in China will organize a trip outdoors, when all the

students and staff of the school go out to have a picnic. Younger students will

take the food prepared forward by their families, and older students above the

fifth grades are encouraged to bring cooking stuff and raw materials to make

a meal themselves, which is the favor of all students. Students will be divided

into groups. Some students take cooking stuff, some prepare food to cook,

and some are in charge of carrying firewood.We students will stay in line and walk to picnic site, guided by teachers. On

getting the site, we will take turns to cook a meal, which usually takes about

two hours. In general, noodles are the ideal food to cook, as it’s easy. Many

of us, who never cook at homes, are eager to have a try. However, we are

always in a mass. Sometimes, the fire goes out; sometimes, we run out of

water; sometimes, we are confused of what to do next. Meanwhile, teachers

are busy walking around, telling students what to do. Luckily, we succeed in

making noodles, which is notso delicious as that done by our families, yet we

enjoy eating. After the meal, we will play games for hours before we leave for


It’s been years since I had my last school trip, which I miss a lot. I now prefer

to have a picnic with friends on spring day.

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