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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » Many parents encourage their children to take up sports since their early childhood and want them to become professional sportsmen. Is it really good for their health?
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Many parents encourage their children to take up sports since their early childhood and want them to become professional sportsmen. Is it really good for their health? Исполнитель

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Nowadays, doing sport is becoming widespread around the world. Therefore, more and more parents are motivating their children to do sport when they are young and urging them to become sportsmen. To my way of thinking it is really useful for them to be healthy.

at our early age, doing sport can help to develop our body properly and be strong. In fact, according to the statistics, the person who does port regularly in their childhood is less likely to be sick. This is mainly because sport strengthens our immune system. Therefore, it is good to take up sport at early age.

However, some people claim that sport can hurt children and makes them far away from their real interests. They support the idea to let children choose the activities according to their interests. It seems to me that this is not wise perception as children cannot make true decision when they are young and inexperienced. Considering it, parents should have the right to guide their children toward sport.

All things considered, it is my opinion that going in for sport is very useful to be healthy. For this reason, parents should continue to encourage their children to take up sport. 

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