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Describe a job you wanted to do when you were a child Исполнитель

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Describe a job you wanted to do when you were a child

You should say:

What it is

What people would do

How can you get it

And explain why you like it.

Sample: When I was a child, I always wanted to be a tour guide. I remember watching

a film about how wonderful a tour guide life could be, which must have

planted a seed in my heart and from then on, I would always tell people I

wanted to be a tour guide when I grew up.

I always think being a tourist guide is fun because you can travel to different

places and meet people from all over the world. I'm interested in history and

geography and reading books about these areas is always one of my hobbies.

Through the reading, I've learned a lot. If I become a tour guide, I believe I'll

be able to introduce all the interesting things I've learned in books.

However, being a tour guide is not that simple, I also need to learn a lot of

knowledge about the local culture and customs. If I try my best, I believe I'll

be a professional tour guide.

Now, my major is not related to tourism; however, being a tour guide is

always my dream and I hope I can try it one day. Maybe in the future, I will

just quit my job and join a tourist agency to travel around the world.

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