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Describe a tourist attraction in your country that you enjoying visitingYou should say: Исполнитель

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Describe a tourist attraction in your country that you enjoying visitingYou should say:

The name and location of the place

What it looked like

What you did there

Who you went with

And explain why you enjoyed it or why you think people are attracted to that place


Early this August, my family paid a visit to NeiMenggu, autonomous region in

northern border of China, along with another two families of my father's

friends'. We, a group of twelve, had a great time there. It's rather hot in

southern China at that time, while it's cool there, one of the reasons we took a

trip there. What impressed me are the vast prairie, wonderful scenery and

unique life of the local people.

The guide, a native, showed us around places of interest in the area by his

coach. What I enjoyed most was the experience of riding a horse. It's the first

in my life that I touched a horse and rode on it. Being used to tourists, the

horses were tame and they were trained to walk around, so that the

inexperienced riders, like me, would not get hurt. The riding, however, was

stopped by a heavy shower, lasting only a couple of minutes. The wind, in

various shapes, in the sky was much different from that in the city, and it

flowed rapidly, bringing rainfall to the land, ended with a beautiful rainbow in

the sky. What's amazing was that a rainbow showed up whenever raining

stops. Then in the evening, we had dinner in a big Mongolian yurt where we

had a roast lamb for meal. It's holy to have a roast lamb, and we appreciated

the ritual of the native's making anddisturbing lamb to us, which was


There are so many to see there, including the South Gate, the landmark for

boundary between China and Mongolia. The four-day visit was too short to

enjoy the place, and I'd like to go again in the future.

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