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Describe a gift you have received that was Исполнитель

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Describe a gift you have received that was

important to you.

You should say:

  • who gave il to you
  • on what oct:asion it was given to you
  • what it looks like and how you use it
  • and say why it is important to you                                                                                                  

    I  received a va luable gift from my wife about three yea rs ago; on the occasion of my birthday. It was a famous brand M P3 playe r; rcally of high qua lity. I was so surprised when I opened its wapring paper and saw the gift because it was exactl y what I needed . .. cr. .. you know, to improve Illy English in my spare time. I really admire her for the choice of that gift. It is silver, rectangular and .. . er. .. so simple in design. Now, I usua lly use this MP3 player to listen to  English audio liIes on the way to my work and it reall y helps me ma ke the best use of my time. He is a very useful device and ... cr ... in fa ct, one ofthc best gifts that J have ever received so far. He's such an importa nt g ift for me, for one thing, I received it from one of my dea rest family members, for another, it's an appli ed device that can be used anywhere. Another point is ... er . . I receving that gift I noticed that my wife knows what I need to be able to take full advantage of my lime to lea rn more and more.

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