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Describe your favourite piece of clothing. Исполнитель

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Describe your favourite piece of clothing.

You should say:

  • what il is and when you bought it
  • where you bought it from
  • why yOlI decided to buy it
  • and explain why it is your favourite.                                                                                                     

    My favourite piece of clothing is my leather jacket.. .cr. .. made by a famous design company. I

    bought it last year. I wanted to buy a leather jacket because I wanted someth ing to wear when

    the weather got colder. I bought it from a shop called [ .. .]. It sells shoes, clothes and fashion

    accessories. The store is in the main shopping area of the city where my workplace was. My

    friend worked at the shop so I visited him almost everyday there and looked at the shoes and

    clothes. He helped me choose the jacket and told me what style looked best 011 mc. He also said

    that the company that had made the jacket was very fa mous and ... c r. .. always makes quality

    clothes. My leather jacket is my favourite piece of clothing because it is very stylish and goes

    with almost everything in my wardrobe. It's very comfortabl e and I know it looks good so I feel

    confident when 1 wear it.

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