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Describe an interesting conversation with a stranger Исполнитель

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Describe an interesting conversation with a stranger

You should say:

When and where did you meet the stranger?

What did you talk about?

And explain why did you think it is interesting.


The topic reminds me of a talk with a passenger I met in the lounge while I

was waiting for my plane. It’s in the lounge where I met an alumnus who took

the same flight. What a coincident, he studied in the same department as I do.

We talked happily about the changes of our school in the past years and

shared much memory. What a unique experience!

The day I flied to pay a visit to my friend whom I had not seen for years. After

I arrived at the lounge,I found a seat and took out a novel to read as there

would be about an hour’s wait. As I was reading, the man sitting next to me

handed me a bookmarker , which actually was mine. It's my favorite

bookmaker that I used to put in the book. I didn’t know when it fell out. Then

the man asked me if I was a student of XX University. I had no idea of how he

figured out my school. He then smiled,pointing at the bookmaker as I was

looking at him rather confused. Well , it turned out the name of my

university printed in the bookmaker, which was particularly made for the

school's centennial celebration,made him have the guess. The thing got

interesting as he told me he graduated from the school three years ago, the

year when I was admitted. At his time,

when our school moved to the

current site,plenty of the facilities in school and infrastructure in surrounding

were not completed. Once, he said,a heavy rain last for overnight and water

covered the way outside halls of residence,as the drainage system was not

efficient enough. As a result,the students had a day off until the water was cleared out. The time before we had to get on board,I told him the new library

under construction, our teachers and things like that. It’s fantastic to have an

interesting talk with a man like him.


I had an unusual talk with a taxi driver about a year ago which was impressive.

We talked about our jobs, complained about the traffic jam and enjoyed our

talk for about half an hour.

It’s a special day, for taxi drivers were on a strike because of the rising fuel

price and the heavy traffic on roads. I didn’t know that and I was trying to take

a taxi back to my company. Standing on the roadside, I waited for over an

hour to get on a taxi. I was rather surprised, as I was in downtown area where

there were usually plenty of taxis passing by, but that didn’t happen on that

day. On seeing an empty taxi coming towards, I was happy and waved my

hands trying to stop it. Unexpectedly the driver paid no attention to me and

drove away in a rush. Thinking that the driver might not see me, I waited

again. However, in the following half hour, two more empty taxis passed me,

no matter how hard I waved to them. When I was desperate and decided to go

to the bus station, a taxi stopped as a passenger walked off. I was glad the

driver was willing to take me, from whom I knew why I could not get on a taxi.

On talking, I knew that the increasing number of cars on roads made it much

crowded on roads, and taxi drivers had to wait longer time for being held up

by traffic. What’s worse, the price of gas raised several times in the past

months. The drivers suffered a great lose in their incoming, and they started a

strike- some drivers refused to drive, some didn’t take passengers- asking

the government to draw up a new charging system for taxi. I was sorry for the

drivers, and then I complained about my job with him. We agreed on the

difficulty of making a living by working for others. It's joyful to have a talk with


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