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A trip you took by public transport Исполнитель

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A trip you took by public transport

You should say:

When and where you went

Why you took the trip

What you did and saw on the trip

How you know about it

and explain how you felt about the trip


On the first day of this May Day holiday, a friend and I had a short trip by bus

to China International Animation and Cartoon Festival (CICAF). I can clearly

remember that trip because it was really an awful trip.

We hadn't planned the trip beforehand, and we chose this destination just

because we thought it would be comfortable to watch Comic Con indoors on

such a hot day. You know, on holiday there would usually be congested on the road and it would al so be difficult to find a vacant parking space, so we

decided to go there by bus.

We set off very late and not until about 10 o'clock in the morning did we get

on the bus. On the bus, it was crowded and neither of us could get a vacant

seat. We sweat a lot but the air-conditioner in the bus was not on. So a short

while later our clothes got wet and our hair stuck together. What's worse, as

we had expected, the traffic was heavy and it took us about 2 hours to reach

our destination. So we had lunch immediately after we got off the bus.

Fortunately, there were lots of snack stands nearby cartoon square. After

lunch, we headed for the CICAF excitedly only to find that it was much more

crowded than we had thought, and to our disappointment it was hot and stuffy

inside the Animation Museum.

In that case, we were on our way back home soon. It was such an awful trip

that bot h of us swore that we wouldn't go there forever.


The trip I took with my friends three years ago by public bicycle was

impressive, when we rode around the West Lake for the first time.

Three years ago, after we graduated from university, my friend (schoolmate)

and I came to Hangzhou and found jobs here. I was not used to the heavy

traffic and crowded buses here. So I decided to buy a bicycle and ride to work.

However, I didn't find a safe parking. Hearing my problem, my friend

suggested that I could rent a public bicycle provided by the government. I had

heard of the bicycle, but had no idea of how to apply for it.

On a weekend, my friend companied me to fill out some forms and got a card

for renting a bicycle, and he too applied one. It was still early, so we rode

bicycles together around the West Lake. I had been to the West Lake several

times before by walking, and since it was so large, taking about 4 fours to

walk for a full round, I never took a round. That time, by bicycle, we managed

to do it. We stopped several times to have a rest, have lunch or walk while

shoving bikes along so as to appreciate the wonderful scenery. On the way,

we returned bikes several times since they are free in an hour, and we have

to return them and rent again without paying the renting fee. Thanks to bikes,

we had a happy day. Nowadays, whenever I go to places which are not far, I

would ride a bicycle, for one thing bicycling saves me much time; for another,

I can do exercise.


The topic reminds me of my trip to Beijing by plane. Last month, I got a

discounted flight ticket and visited my friend who studies in China Agricultural

University. I will never forget the impressive trip, for it offered me a

completely new view of the earth. As I had never taken a plane before, I

asked my sister for advice about what to take with me, how to check in and

what to do in case I was air-sick.The day I arrived at the airport two hours before the departure time, as I was

a bit nervous and more excited. As it’s still early, I walked around the airport,

watching passers-by hurrying away with their heavy baggage. An hour later, 1

checked in by the instruction on information board. I had my ticket, ID card

handed to the workers who asked if I needed to check my luggage. Then I

went through safety inspection with my bag and went to the lounge.

Everything went well, though I had difficulty at first in finding the lounge, as

there are so many waiting areas. Thinking that I’d better turn off my phone

forward, I called my friend telling him my plane seemed to be on time and I

would see him later. While waiting there, I caught the sight of a plane taking

off” through the grand glass of the building, which was fantastic. Then came

the broadcast informing the passengers to get on plane. Following other

passengers, I went to boarding gate and finally I got on the plane. A

stewardess kindly showed me to my seat and helped set my bag. Then I

fastened my safety belt as I was required. I was lucky as I was seated by the

window, which was unexpected. During the time the planed took off, I was a

bit uncomfortable just as my sister warned me forward, but it didn’t last long.

When it’s OK to use my phone, I could not help taking the gorgeous view of

the cloud and the places on the land. All were so amazing. I enjoyed the

special trip by plane.

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