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Describe an (interesting) old object that your family has kept for a long time. Исполнитель

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Describe an (interesting) old object that your family has kept for a long time.

You should say what it is

where did your family get it

how long your family has kept it

and explain why you think it is interesting.


I want to talk about an antique teapot m my home. It's actually from my

grandmother as part of her dowry So it's over sixty years old. We don't exactly

know if it can worth a lot of money or just an ordinary teapot, but it carries the

family history, which makes it very special. My grandpa liked drinking tea and he

always showed me how to make tea with the teapot, telling me the essentials of

making tasty tea. I used to make tea for him after I was eight years ago. That’s

why I have a great interest in tea. I think it's interesting for it's part of happy

memory I had with my grandpa.

It's a white teapot with blue flower painting. It looks very delicate and

beautiful. The spout of it is a little tainted yellow from the tea leaves. So it's

easy to tell it really had served as a teapot for the family for a long time. The

teapot is almost intact except for a gap on its spout which was made by me when

I accidently dropped it as the water was too hot. I still remember die day.I cried

for being afraid of being punished, as I knew it's a treasure to grandpa Grandpa,

yet asked n* if I got a bum He told me that I was more important to him than

anything else.

Now. we don't use it for tea but put it on the shelf to display at home after

grandpa passed away I hope that it can still be there for our next generation. I

dunk it's nice to have something passed on from our ancestors

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