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Describe an occasion when you met a friend you haven't seen for a long time Исполнитель

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Describe an occasion when you met a friend you haven't seen for a long time

You should say:

Who this friend is

Why you did not see him or her for a long nine

where did you meet him or her

and explain how you felt at the tin* when you see him or her.


Last month. I went to my secondary school to meet my best friend. Lily,

who's been abroad for two years. Actually we went to the same schools from

primary to secondary. Then we attended colleges m different cities, during the

tune we kept m touch by phone. We always stayed together on holidays when

we returned from colleges. Two years ago. when we graduated, she was

recruited by an international trading company and was sent to work abroad We

were busy with our work though we son*tunes sent emails to each other. In the

mails, she always shared with me the interesting experiences she had. Yet I

know it's not easy for her. She’s a very optimistic person and she has given me

a lot of encouragement since our childhood and I’ve learned a lot from her.

Lily only stayed for a week after her return. and there were so many things

she had to do. We decided to meet at the secondary school as she missed it very much I arrived a bit earlier, and I was somehow nervous as I worried that

what if we had nothing to talk about, as we hadn't seen for so long tune. I hardly

recognize her when she waved and rushed to me. Enthusiastic as she always is.

she gave me a big hug and made fun of me as she always did. which made me

laugh Then we walked around the campus and chatted happily as we used to.

Time and distance can't change our friendship which I will cherish all my life.

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