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Describe an important decision that took you a long time to make Исполнитель

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Describe an important decision that took you a long time to make

You should say:

What the decision was

How you made your decision

What the results of the decision were

And explain why it was important or the impact that this decision had on your life


Days ago I enrolled in training for driving license, and it took me a couple of

months to make the decision. It's important for it's a great change in my life. I

used to think I would never take up drinking, for it costs a lot in maintaining

and fuel-consumption. There was a time, however, when I had something

emergency to deal with, and it's time when it's hard to take a taxi. At last, it's

my manager who drove me there. Only by then did I think about learning how

to drive.

I thought a lot before making the decision. The increasing of private cars has

caused many problems, like traffic jam and growing number of car accidents,

which scared me a bit. My friends comforted me it's not such a big problem as

long as I'm experienced and careful while driving. Besides that, there's

another problem of time, for I don't have much time after work. To begin with,

I have to attend the theory test, taking about two weeks' time in all. Then I

need to spend at least thirsty-eight hours on learning driving a car, but as I

was told, there are loads of people waiting to learn, so I may have to wait

some time before I can actually get the opportunity to learn. My friends persuaded me to push myself, saying that there would be more people to

compete for learning, and it's possible that the city would carry out some

policies to limit the number of cars, which means that it might be harder to

learn or to own a car.

Thanks to the advice of my friends, I made up my mind to sign up for driving


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