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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » Theme: Road accidents claim far too many lives. What can government and individuals do reduce this problem.
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Theme: Road accidents claim far too many lives. What can government and individuals do reduce this problem. Исполнитель

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  • Describe the problem
  • Causes
  • Consequences


  • Suggested solution
  • Detail
  • Effects/expected results
  • Conclusion


  • Paraphrasing task question
  • Recommendation/expectation


THEME: Road accidents claim far too many lives. What can government and individuals do reduce this problem.

  •  Increasing tax for roads
  • Complicating the process of driving education
  • Decreasing traffics on roads
  • Improving road facilities

Nowadays, the number of road accidents is increasing at a high pace, claiming many lives. The cause of this issue is rooted in the illiteracy of drivers and pedestrians as well as poor road conditions and traffic jams. In the following paragraphs there will be given some suggestions what governments and individuals can do in favour of this headache.

One possible solution to deal with the problem of road accidents would be decreasing traffics on roads. In fact, because of traffic congestion more and more people are becoming nervous and losing their controls, involving unconsciously in car accidents.  By encouraging people to use public transport and improving road facilities, governments could reduce the impacts of the issue. In turn, individuals should use shared cars or bicycles to commute on account of their private cars. Thus, we could shrink the threats of road accidents on our lives.

Another alternative way to tackle the issue is to increase the literacy of drivers and pedestrians as one of the core causes of the problem is due to the lack of knowledge about road rules. Here, the main responsibility should fall to the government to make tough tests before permitting people to drive and to implement compulsory subjects on road rules at schools and other institutions. Following the government, parents should teach their children at their early ages to comply with road rules and regulations.

To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to reduce the impacts of road accidents on people lives. If the governments and individuals alike were to cooperate, it would make affirmative results.

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