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Goods during transportation are subject lo different risks. That is why the exporter has to injure the goods to be dispatched through an insurance broker or directly through an insurance company. There are different kinds of insurance: air and marine, overland and full coverage, insurance against all risks etc. The exporter, however, according to Incoterms 1953 is obliged lo insure the goods dispatched only against the most typical risks. Thus in sea transport goods art insured under the General Average policy, i.e. all parties involved (the exporter, the carrier, thy buyer) are mutually responsible for the sound delivery of goods. This type of insurance is effected when either damage was caused deliberately, or some extra costs were involved to protect the sea-borne goods, no matter who is its actual owner. The Particular Average policy on the other hand tails upon the individual and covers any damage to the cargo during sea transport apart from damage due to natural causes. The word “average” as used in Insurance means "damage" and is derived from the French word "avarie".

Another clause covering the whole risk of General Average and only some risks of Particular Average is called Free of Particular Average – F.P.A. according British or American terms of delivery. If the buyer wants to be insured against greater number of risks, he should stipulate it in the contract and cover costs involved. In such situation the exporter may order to insure the goods under the clause With Particular Average - W.P.A., or With Average W.A., or even under the Against All Risks – A.A.R., or All Risks – A.R. clause. The above mentioned clauses cover, in fact, all possible risks apart from war and strikes risks.

If the goods traded are transported by rail, their insurance is fairly simple According to international railway agreements, the carrier is responsible for all damage occurring during transportation, apart from that caused by force majeure, bad state of goods inside the combiners, if the packing was neither faulty nor damaged. or that caused before the goods were loaded on the train or after their removal from the railway depot. The carrier is also responsible for the deterioration of goods due to natural causes, e.g. their reduced weight due to drying or leakage etc.

In Poland the insurance company for export trade is "Warta". That is why we enclose here samples of policies used by this firm.

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