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Merchandising Исполнитель

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Merchandising, in marketing, planning and control of goods or services to provide effective product development and to ensure the proper commodity at a place, time, price, and quantity conducive to profitable sale. For the manufacturer merchandising involves product planning and management. For the retailer or wholesaler it includes selecting styles, colors, and sizes preferred by the customers or trade. Correct placement and timing of a product are particularly important for fashion goods, for seasonal merchandise, and for fads with a rate of sale that fluctuates drastically. The price is usually determined so as to sell merchandise promptly and at a profit satisfactory to the merchandiser. The quantity ordered should create a supply large enough to satisfy all potential customers but should not be excessive to a degree that might necessitate price reductions in order to bring about sufficient sales.



Retailing, business activity of selling goods and services directly to consumers. Instead of selling products for resale, a retailer sells goods or services to individuals making purchases for themselves or their families. Some retailing businesses sell a combination of goods and services. For example, an automobile dealership that sells automobiles (goods) may also provide automobile repairs (services).

Retailers play an important role in getting products from producers to consumers. Retailers help direct the physical flow of goods and services from places that produce goods to places where goods are used. Since the retailer has direct contact with the users of goods and services, the retailer can discover and attempt to meet the needs and preferences of consumers.


To be successful, a retailer must distinguish itself from other retailers and develop a strategy for satisfying the needs and preferences of a specific consumer group. This strategy, called a retail mix, involves careful consideration of (1) the productto sell, (2) the quantity at which to make the product available, (3) the location at which to sell the product, (4) the time to make the product available, (5) the pricing of the product, and (6) the appeal that can be generated to attract the consumer’s interest.

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