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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » The graph below show how the leather goods are produced.
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The graph below show how the leather goods are produced. Исполнитель

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The diagram below show how leather goods are produced.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

how the leather goods are produced.jpg

A sample essay by Sherzod.

The graph provides information about a method of producing leather goods.

As can be seen from the process, overall, there are 10 stages, beginning with the dry skin and culminating in ready product.

At the first stage of this process, an animal skin is dried in open air, and then the skin is delivered via a truck to the factory. In this phase, the skin is washed in mixture of water and lime.  Following that, before flattening in a special machine, it is soaked with lime.  Next, the material is soaked again, but this time, in a special mixture of a vegetable matter and water called tannin. In the subsequent stage, the skin passes from polishing device before being sent to a factory where balls, shoes, bags and other leather products are manufactured.      

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