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A Better Life Begins Исполнитель

A Better Life Begins
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A Better Life Begins

Rose thought: “Oliver can’t stay in this house. It’s too dangerous! I must find another home for him.”

Rose wanted to take Oliver back to Mr Brownlow. “The boy loves Brownlow. He would be happy with him,” she thought. But she did not know where the gentleman lived – and Oliver could not remember.

Suddenly Oliver ran into the house. “I’ve seen Mr Brownlow!” he cried. “I’ve found his home!”

Rose gave a happy cry. “Oh – let’s go and see him!” she said.

They went to his house at once. Oliver waited at the door, and Rose talked to Mr Brownlow alone. “You were very kind to a dear young friend of mine,” she said. “His name is Oliver Twist.”

The old gentleman’s eyes shone. “Oliver! Have you got some news of him?” he asked. “The boy ran away – and I couldn’t find him. Do you know where he is?”

Rose told Mr Brownlow what happened after Oliver left his house. Then she told him about Monks. “Monks wants to kill Oliver!” she said. “Fagin is going to send Sikes to my house to take the boy away.”

“We must hide the boy quickly!” Mr Brownlow cried. “Bring him to my house. Sikes won’t come here!”

“I’ve brought him,” Rose said with a smile. “He’s waiting at the door.”

Mr Brownlow ran and brought Oliver into the room. They both laughed and cried. “Oh, I thought I would never see you again!” said Oliver. “Now I’ve found you!”

Oliver stayed with the old gentleman.

Mr Brownlow went to the police and told them Nancy’s story about Fagin and Monks. “They’re dangerous men!” he said. “They don’t know that the girl has saved Oliver. If they find out, they’ll kill her!”

“We found a dead girl in the river this morning!” a policeman cried. “She must be Nancy!”

The police went quickly to Fagin’s house.

Sikes tried to escape but he fell out of a window. The fall killed him. But the police got Fagin. They took the old man away and put him in a prison.

Monks hid – but the police soon found him too. Monks also went to prison – and Oliver got his father’s money.

Oliver’s ‘bad days’ were over.

Mr Brownlow now told Oliver about his father. “Your father was a rich man and he left you a lot of money,” he said. “You’ll never be poor again.”

“No,” Rose said with a smile, “and you’re not alone in the world now. Your mother was my sister. So you belong to my family. I’m your – ”

“I belong to you!” Oliver cried. He ran to Rose and kissed her. “Oh, I love you – I love you!” he said. “I’m the happiest boy in the world!”

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