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A New Enemy Исполнитель

A New Enemy
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A New Enemy

The stranger was Mr Monks – another young friend of Fagin. Mr Monks knew Oliver and he wanted to kill him.

Monks ran to Fagin’s house. “I’ve found Oliver!” he cried. “He’s in a house at Pentonville. A woman called Rose Maylie has got him. I know her! I often look in her window. She’s the sister of Oliver’s dead mother. She mustn’t find out who Oliver is!”

“How do you know all this? Who is the boy? Do you know?” Fagin asked.

“Yes – Oliver Twist is my brother!” Monks cried.

“Your brother!” said Fagin. “So why do you want to kill him?”

Monks said slowly: “Well, I’ll tell you. When my father died, he left his money to Oliver. I wanted it! So I said that Oliver was dead – and I took my brother’s money.”

“Ah! I understand!” said Fagin. “Suppose the woman finds out that Oliver is alive! That would be very dangerous for you!”

“Help me to get the boy and bring him back!” Monks cried.

“I want money for that! How much will you pay me?” Fagin asked.

“A thousand pounds!”

Fagin smiled and held out his hand. “Good! Give me the money!” he said. “I’ll send Sikes to the woman’s house. He’ll get the boy for you!”

But Nancy was behind the door and she heard the conversation. “They’ll kill Oliver!” she thought. “I must save him!”

The girl ran to Rose’s house. “Oh, madam!” she cried, when Rose opened the door. “I must speak to you! A man is going to kill Oliver Twist! I’m Oliver’s friend and I want to save him.”

“What?” Rose cried. She took Nancy into the house and quickly shut the door. “How do you know this?” she asked.

Nancy told her about the conversation between Monks and Fagin.

“Monks is Oliver’s brother,” she said. “His father left his money to Oliver. Monks said that Oliver was dead – and he took Oliver’s money! Now the man’s afraid. He – he’s afraid of you, madam!”

“Afraid of me!” said Rose. “Why?”

“Because your sister was Oliver’s mother,” Nancy told her. “He’s afraid you’ll find out!”

“I didn’t know my sister had any children,” Rose said. “My sister ran away from home – and I never saw her again.” She thought. “Is this true?” she asked.

“Oh, yes, madam – it is true. Please believe me!” Nancy cried. “Sikes is coming to your house to take Oliver away! He’s dangerous! Hide Oliver – and don’t let him go!”

Nancy ran to the door. “I must go back to Fagin – quickly!” she said. “Fagin doesn’t know I’ve come here. He’ll kill me if he finds out!”

She left the house – and ran.

But poor Nancy was too late. Fagin found out. “Nancy has gone!” he told the thieves. “Find her and bring her back!”

One of the thieves waited by the river. He saw Nancy running along the street. He jumped from his hiding-place and stopped her. Nancy tried to escape – but the man killed her.

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