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Oliver Runs Away Исполнитель

Oliver Runs Away
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Oliver Runs Away

Oliver ran. “I must go far away – before Mr Bumble looks for me!” he thought. He ran for about eight kilometers. Then he hid in a field and slept.

It was a hundred kilometers to London and Oliver walked all the way. He became very tired and hungry. He had no money; so he went to houses and asked for food. Some people gave the boy a piece of bread – but nothing else.

When Oliver reached London, he was afraid. He was a stranger, without friends, in a large city. “Where can I go?” he thought. “I have no home!” The tired hungry boy sat in the street and cried.

People looked at him – walked past. They did not try to help him.

Then a boy with a round face and bright little eyes went up to Oliver. His name was Jack Dawkins, but his friends called him ‘Artful Dodger’. He wore a man’s coat (nearly down to his feet!), and he looked very strange.

“Hello!” said Dodger. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m tired and hungry,” Oliver answered. “I’ve walked a long way. I’ve walked for seven days!”

“Seven days!” cried Dodger. “Where have you come from?”

“I ran away from the workhouse,” Oliver told him.

Dodger smiled. “Now you’ve got no home! Do you want a room?” he asked.

“Oh – yes, please!”

“Well,” said Dodger, “I know a kind old man. His name is Fagin. He’ll give you a bed. Come with me!”

Dodger took Oliver to an old house in the poorest part of London. They went into a dark room. There, four boys sat at a table, drinking. An old man with long red hair stood by the fire. He had a strange look on his face.

Dodger spoke quietly into the old man’s ear. “I’ve found another boy, Fagin!” He looked at Oliver. “Meet my friend – Oliver Twist!”

The boys jumped up and put their arms round Oliver. “Hello! Hello!” they cried. “You’ll be very happy here!”

Fagin was very friendly. He gave Oliver some supper – and the boy ate it like a hungry animal. Fagin then gave him some strong drink. “This will make you happy!” he said. Oliver drank it – and went to sleep. Fagin smiled.

Next morning Fagin and the boys played a strange game. The old man put money into his pockets. The boys tried to take his money without him knowing. Oliver did not understand the game – but he soon learnt.

Dodger and Charley Bates (another boy) took Oliver for a walk. Suddenly Dodger stopped and looked across the street. “See that old man looking in the bookshop window?” he said. “He’s got money in his pockets! Come on, Charley!”

The two boys crossed the street and quietly stood behind the rich old man. Dodger put his hand in his pocket and stole his money. Then the boys ran away.

Oliver was afraid. “The gentleman will think I stole his money!” he thought – and ran.

Too late! The gentleman put his hand in his pocket and missed his money. He turned round and saw Oliver running away. “That boy has stolen my money!” he cried. “Stop, thief! Stop that boy!”

Men and women ran out of their houses. Shopkeepers left their shops. Boys jumped off their bicycles. Children stopped their games. A hundred people ran through the streets, crying: “Stop, thief!”

Poor Oliver ran and ran – but he could not escape.

A big fat man took a stone. “I’ll stop him!” he cried. The stone flew through the air. A good shot! It cut Oliver on the head – and he fell.

The people stood round the boy and cried: “Thief! Thief!”

The old gentleman (whose name was Mr Brownlow) came along. He saw blood on Oliver’s head. “Oh, poor little boy!” he said. “You’ve hurt him!”

A policeman arrived. “Don’t be sorry for him, sir!” he said. “The boy stole your money!”

“No! No! I’m not the thief!” Oliver cried. “The other boys stole the money.”

The policeman did not believe him. He took Oliver away and put him in a prison.

But the man who kept the bookshop saved Oliver. He saw the real thieves through the window of his shop. He told the police that Oliver did not steal the money. The police then freed him from prison.

Mr Brownlow was very pleased. He gave Oliver a home and was very kind to him.

Oliver was happy for the first time in his life. But his happiness soon ended.

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