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A Face at the Window Исполнитель

A Face at the Window
  • Скачано: 58
  • Размер: 34.5 Kb

A Face at the Window

Oliver woke up in the morning. He was wet and cold, and his arms and legs hurt. “Where am I?” he thought. “What’s happened?”

He saw the blood on his clothes, and then he remembered. “They shot me!” Oliver cried. “I’ll die!”

The boy got up and walked along the road, calling for help. “Help! Help!” he cried. “I’m dying! Help!” He walked a long way but he met no people.

At last, he reached a house. He banged on the door, and a pretty young woman opened it. Her name was Rose Maylie.

Rose looked at Oliver and saw the blood. “Oh, poor little boy!” she cried – and took him into the house.

Rose put Oliver to bed and sat beside him. “What happened?” she asked.

“Two thieves took me to a house last night,” Oliver said, crying. “They told me to climb into the house and open the door for them. I – I climbed through a window. I was afraid and I made a noise. The people in the house heard me and – and a man shot me!”

Oliver told Rose the story of his sad life with Fagin and the thieves.

“Don’t send me back to Fagin!” Oliver cried.

Rose smiled and gave him a kiss. “I won’t send you back,” she said. “You can stay with me. I’ll give you a home.”

Rose was very kind to Oliver, and the boy was happy in his new home.

Months passed.

Then one evening Oliver sat by a window and read a book. He went to sleep. Suddenly he woke up – and saw a face at the window.

A strange, dark man looked at Oliver. He smiled and ran away.

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