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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » Individuals who make decisions themselves are more successful than those who depend on others. Do you agree or disagree?
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Individuals who make decisions themselves are more successful than those who depend on others. Do you agree or disagree? Исполнитель

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One can make different decisions on themselves or depending on someone throughout their whole life. There are some people who think that individuals who make decisions independently are more successful than others who live with somebody’s ideas. It’s agreed with this idea as there are lots of evidences which prove that people, making self-decisions achieve their ambitions and plans easily than some who rely on others’ guidance. This will be proven in the following paragraphs.

Firstly, I consider that self-confidence is one of the essential signs of people’s success. For example, if we have enough confidence on ourselves before coping with any difficulties or problems in our life we can make good results. In fact, the individuals who make their own decisions are considered self-confident. By analysing this, it can be said that self-confident people are more achievable than those who depend on others.

   Secondly, learning from the mistakes is a good lesson to be successful in life, as many individual decision makers make more mistakes by taking risks than the people who follow proven ways with the help of others. As is said that practice makes perfect, independent people have to do more attempts (practises) to succeed in their lives. As a result these kinds of people learn more valuable lessons which warrant their success.

As have been proven above, due to developing self-confidential skills as well as making more practice, I consider that people who decide independently in their lives are more successful than those who prefer to live with someone’s help. So it’s recommended that people should decide their decisions by themselves rather than depending on others.

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