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Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. Исполнитель

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Day by day more and more people are discussing about success. Some people are of the opinion that success comes from hard work, while others think that it is dependent on luck. As far as I am concerned success is the outcome of hard work. And I am going to prove my idea below.       

    All people want to succeed. Nevertheless, few people can achieve this. From my point of view, the key of success is hard work. First of all, I believe successful people are very hardworking and surely, they have developed their certain habits. So, they continuously act to get their intention. Regarding the traditional implications of explanation, you never come across success by hoping for it. For example, a lot of successful people "have run into failures many and many times, however they have never given up their aims. Instead, they have only kept going- kept going. On the other hand, nothing in the world comes easily, least of all, success. That's why if you trust only your luck, you may run across difficulties.         

In conclusion, from my personal experience, success is the result of hard- working.They say a person who works hard and puts in a great deal of effort and endurance to achieve great things in life.

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