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The media could control public opinion. ЕГЭ Исполнитель

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As the media expands across the world, its influence to our social life is powering dramatically. It is believed that the mass media could conquer and shape people’s ideas. From my point of view, the mass media can control public opinion.

Nowadays people are taking all information and learning everything from the mass media. Especially young people are captivated by the media programs (such as TV shows, movies, fashion shows and so on) and upbringing by the media and some are even daubing the names of stars as a nickname. This example clearly shows that people have depended on the mass media for its information and entertainment. From that, it can be concluded that the mass media could control people’s opinion.

However, there are some people who are not in favor of this perception as they believe that no matter media is powerful; it cannot control people’s views. They point out that people get information from different sources that formalize their opinions and therefore, the more diversity of sources, the less control of people’s views.

 Not surprisingly, the mass media is owned and operated by a small number of giant corporations such as BBC. They can control large sectors of the media. Meanwhile, people believe what they watch or read on TV, newspapers, and the other media tools. Thus, it is not a secret that public opinion is being controlled by the giant corporations.

All in all, people’s perceptions are being conquered by the mass media. As far as I am concerned, one should not be dependent on media tools so much to make their decisions.

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