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Discuss advantages and disadvantages living in a foreign country. Исполнитель

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 Nowadays more and more people are going abroad to live. There are some heated debates on the advantages and drawbacks of living abroad. This essay will elaborate on both positive and negative effects of surviving abroad.

  On one side of the argument, there are some people who argue that the benefits outweigh its disadvantages. The main reason for this believing is that living abroad makes people much more independent than depending on others while they live in their countries. Being independent gives more chances to individuals to be successful in their lives. (As a result, it teaches how to deal with problems by themselves.) In addition to this, there are also some benefits like having access to world class education, job opportunity and learning foreign language which people cannot refute.

    On the other hand it is also possible to make the opposing case. It is often argued that as everything has advantages and disadvantages, it has its own downsides too. People often have this opinion as it makes them homesick. In particular, when you are alone you miss your family every minute and also on holidays and at the parties you cannot be with them if you are in another country. After analyzing these facts it is clear why many support this claim.

    According to the above-mentioned points, it can be concluded that living abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. However, I believe that whether living abroad or not should be decided by individuals according to their own interests and goals.

 written by Timur

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