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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » The ownership of cars should be restricted to one per family In order to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.
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The ownership of cars should be restricted to one per family In order to reduce traffic congestion and pollution. Исполнитель

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Nowadays, cars play a major role in human’s life. Because of a big demand, the ownership of cars is increasing significantly. Obviously, it is the main reason of pollution and traffic jam. Many people argue that for per family should be allowed only one car, in order to minimize these problems.  Though, I partly agree with this suggestion.

   First and for foremost, in my opinion, every member of family has own plans, I mean job, study and etc.

And having only one car would probably be uncomfortable for them. In order to solve problems, like population and traffic congestion, government should restrict the use of old cars, because they pollute the environment more and also should open new roads to reduce the traffic jams.

However, I think that people should use the public transport more than now. For example, if someone has enough time for moving into the next his address would be better using public transport instead of private car. For this, government should take problems of the public transportation on high level and solve them immediately. And also minimizing the fare would attract people, showing good results.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I’m partly agree with the suggestion that one car for per family would reduce the traffic jam and pollution problems. From my point of view, one car is not enough for one family and using cars makes life easier and it is people’s right to use it or no. here government should create another ways to decrease these problems. On the other hand people also have to facilitate authority to minimize bad effects of using car, using public transport instead of own cars.

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