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Cars enslave us rather than liberate. Исполнитель

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The car can be seen not as a mere machine, but as an agent of social change. During the twentieth century, cars literally transformed society. First of all, more cars meant more mobility. In other words, as roads became better, people could travel further for jobs. Rather than living in the city center or near factories, people could live in suburbs instead and drive between home and work. The sheer pace of change has been staggering: mass production of cars has transformed business, making oil and rubber into major industries, has improved the way people live and work. But, there are likely to be serious negative effects of car dependence.

First of all, it is obvious that nowadays most commuters are influenced by the car’s image of freedom, power and modernity. They enjoy the mobility that owning car gives them. People find it more difficult to get around without their automobiles. Furthermore, it is well known that the transport is one of the chief contributors to health and environmental problems in urban regions. Exhaust fumes that our cars release lead to the increase of carbon emissions in the atmosphere which in turn cause the rise in the number of illnesses and deaths among the urban population.

Therefore, as time passes, to reduce mentioned above problems it is vital to find out other attitude towards the nations’ safety. In order to reduce traffic we should change our working habits. Moreover, thanks to the internet that can be used to connect people, we have great opportunities to telecommute. Instead of using private cars which bring enormous harm to the environment, it is would be friendly way to use more public transport and vehicles for the reduction of air pollution in the cities. Furthermore, investment in buses and trains will cease traffic congestion.

In conclusion,  we need to reduce our dependence on cars for the sake of upcoming future generations’ healthy lifestyle.

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