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Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. Исполнитель

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Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.


To what extant do you agree or disagree?

What other measures do you think might be effective?

Background (mavzu haqida umumiy fikr)

Today, one of the alarming problems that need to be solved is increasing traffic and air pollution.

Detail Background ( umumiy fikrning mantiqiy davomi- mavzuni boshqa so’zlar bilan ifodalash)

Some people believe that raising petrol price is the best solution for these issues.

Thesis (savolga javob berish, o’z fikri)

To my way of thinking, I partly agree with this point of view.

Outline (pastki paragraflarda nima haqida gap boradi)

In the following paragraphs I will support my opinion and offer some possible solutions.

Paragraph sentence ( ushbu paragraph nima haqidaligi haqida umumiy fikr)

To start with, many people think that growing petrol price makes people use fewer cars.

Example or detail sentence (umumiy fikrni tasdiqlovchi namuna, fakt yoki jumla)

Instead, people will use public transport or bikes that are harmless to the environment and cause less traffic in roads.

Discussion (berilgan namuna, fakt yoki jumlaning naqadar asosli ekanligini tasdiqlash yoki muhokama etish)

Therefore, in some countries where traffic and pollution is serious, governments are trying to raise the price of petrol artificially so that the people use transport less.

Conclusion (paragrafda berilgan umumiy fikrning asosli xulosasi)

Thus, it is considered the best way to deal with growing traffic and pollution headaches.

On the other hand, there are some people who claim that there are other more effective measures that can be done to prevent these problems. They point out, for example, nature-friendly petrol, like solar or wind power as an alternative solution for pollution. Moreover, widening roads could be  a good solution for traffic jams. These are only some examples of which we could do so that our world suffers less from pollution and traffic.


Summary (Paragraf 1 va 2 dagi fikrlarni umumiylashtirish)

All things considered, it can be said that raising the price of petrol could be a good solution, but it is not the best and only way to combat with traffic and air pollution.

Restatement of thesis (o’z fikrimizni qayta ifodalash)

In my opinion there are many more effective and alternative solutions for these alarming issues.

Recommendation/Prediction (mavzuga oid tavsiyalar yoki kutuvlar/bashorat)

It is recommended that people should consider those methods to use in the future.


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