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Many parents encourage their children to take up sports since their early childhood and want them to become professional sportsmen. Исполнитель

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Many parents encourage their children to take up sports since their early childhood and want them to become professional sportsmen. Is it really good for their health?

What is your opinion?

Write 200-250 words.


Nowadays, more parents support their children to start training with sports since their early childhood and also feel like them turning to professional sportsmen. It is my feeling that becoming occupational sportsmen is too difficult. Children will have to work hard if they want to achieve high levels in their career during the years. Moreover, professional sport is one of the easiest ways to get injured.

First of all, I think, becoming pro sportsmen is a difficult challenge for children. Because, children have to think of sport and be ready on the physical side. Achievement of high levels in the sport includes hard work. For example, from my own experience, every single day I spend my time on playing tennis. In addition, every two weeks I go to tournaments to take part in and to increase my personal level.

Second of all, during the professional sport, children cannot avoid getting injured. For instance, every moment sportsmen can fall down and be injured and unfortunately it is long way to recover from damage. Furthermore, in the future trauma will shatter their peace.

In conclusion, it is my feeling that professional sport is too dangerous and overtraining with sport is not good for children’s health. Generally, I believe that in the future parents will know about what professional sport includes.   

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