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Computer games teach us nothing and young people shouldn’t waste their time playing it. ЕГЭ Исполнитель

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Nowadays, computer games are substantially burgeoning, especially among juveniles. However, it is believed by many that computer games don’t teach us anything and therefore they must be avoided. To my way of thinking I totally disagree with this sentiment. In the following paragraphs it will be highlighted in detail with some examples. Looking at the positive side of playing computer games, they help to young children to learn something new. From my personal perspective, when I was young I used to play computer games, like painting, puzzles that required deep thinking. Consequently I have developed my analytical skills thanks to them. When looking at this example, there is no doubt that computer games can enhance youths’ ability of thinking. From this, one can conclude that playing on computer is not always harmful. However, other people think it is as a bad thing for youth to play computer games. For instance, playing repeatedly, children can be addicted to computer games. Consequently, their time is wasted and their health is suffered. Therefore, it is suggested to play less computer games. If everything is in norm there is nothing bad happens. After analyzing the statement, one can reach a conclusion that even though computer games have some negative effects it is not supported the idea that they don’t teach anything. With the attraction of computer games our generation can be more motivated to study and have knowledgeable.
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