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Computer games teach us nothing and young people shouldn’t waste their time playing it. Исполнитель

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Computer games teach us nothing and young people shouldn’t waste their time playing it.

What is your opinion?

Write 200-250 words

  • Dangerous for young people’s brain, change outlook, become ruthless
  • spend a lot of time, don’t study, addicted

 Nodaway, game industry is developing and computer games become much more dangerous for young people. Modern games give us nothing and youth shouldn’t spend their time on playing it. In my way of thinking, a lot of young people are addicted to games day by day. Moreover, modern games make youth ruthless. In the following paragraphs my opinions will be supported by examples and causes

 First of all, young people are linked to games. For example, when teenagers are interested in playing games, the level of their study can be declined significantly. Because a lot of games available on the Internet and it is the easiest way for young people to download them. Thus, many teenagers waste their time and they are addicted by playing computer games.

 Second of all, modern games destroy young people’s mind. For instance, teenagers who play a lot of games their outlook changes and they become merciless. This example makes it clear that young people are not allowed to play video games. Therefore, I think, teenagers should give attention to study than to play computer games.

 In conclusion, computer games  are not important thing for young people. In my point of view, governments have to decrease the amount of action games and my recommendation is that parents should be responsible for their children’s spending time.

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