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Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Исполнитель

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Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion


It’s a responsibility of parents for children’s well-being

Schools are the place where children spend most of their time

In today’s world, to build a sustainable society, it is vital to nurture children well-behaved. Therefore, there are heated controversial debates whether parents or schools should be responsible for bringing up children as a good member of society. To my way of thinking, both sides of the arguments have their own reasons, and we need a detailed analysis to get to the root of this controversy.

It is believed by many that it should be fell on the parents’ shoulders to bring their children up as a well-mannered person for society.  When children are born, parents are the first teachers from whom they learn about basic knowledge of life. From my personal experience, my parents played an imperative role in my life showing the right path to be a good person. This example makes it clear how parents’ role is important to prepare their children well in the life. Therefore, parents should be obligated to develop their children’s behaviour.

However, there is another perception that as children spend much of their time at schools, learning different subjects, they should acquire skills and behaviour needed for being asset for society there. Furthermore, parents are also becoming busier and busier with their jobs, sparing less time for their children. That is why schools are the best place where children can gain basic knowledge of well-being.

After analyzing both the role of parents and schools in nurturing children, making them a good person for society, it seems to me that parents should take the responsibility as the main focus of schools is on the academic knowledge of children.  However, if parents and schools cooperate on this issue, the results will be affirmative.  

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