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Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the rights to choose not to immunise their children? Исполнитель

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Nowadays, a variety of child diseases are spreading around the world. That’s why some people say that parents should be responsible to inoculate their children. However, there some people who support the choice of not immunising their babies. But, to my way of thinking, it should be put onto the shoulder of parents as it because it is parents’ responsibility to care their children and to secure them healthy future.

As children’s body is easily affected to different illnesses and they are unaware of how to protect their health, their parents should care about them.  In fact, immunization is the only known way to strengthen child’s immune system against viruses. According to some surveys, where children are less immunized there are many indisposed kids. This example makes it clear how it is important to inoculate children under responsibility of their parents. Thus, I consider parents should take it serious to organise immunizing their children.

On the other hand, if immunization is the choice of the people, then it brings about spreading of contagious diseases that threaten mankind’s healthy future. For example, in some African countries because of not immunizing, the nation is suffering from far-reaching disorders and consequently the future of these nations is under the risk. Therefore, parents should not be inquisitive for the inoculation of their infants.

Considering both obligations and choices of parents towards the immunization of children, I firmly believe that it must be compulsory for parents to immunize their generations. If children are immunized on time in future we will have a better healthy future.  

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