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Holidays should be time for doing new and challenging things, not just relaxing in familiar places. Исполнитель

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Holidays are considered a period when people have some time to relax and regain their energies. There are some heated debates whether this time is spent doing new and challenging things or just relaxing in familiar places. To my way of thinking, people should experience new and challenging things that colour their life. In the following paragraphs, it will be supported with reasons and given some arguments for the other point of view.

        As it is commonly agreed, life becomes more meaningful and interesting when there are many new experiences and challenges. For this purpose, holidays are the best options. Moreover, it is more joyful and attractive to do something new than continuing familiar things in the same place over years.    Considering this, I urge people to discover new things during their holidays.

        However, some people support the idea of enjoying holidays in familiar places as it is more secure and less stressful. They claim that visiting unfamiliar destinations and doing challenging things cause stress. But it seems to me, not all new cases are painful. Being rich in different events, they have more benefits to set up relations with new people and broaden our horizons as well as resting effectively.

In conclusion, as new destinations with their variety challenges are more joyful and useful, I am for this perception. Therefore, it is recommended most to search for new experiences and challenges during vocations.

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