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Describe a situation where you found yourself Исполнитель

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Describe a situation where you found yourself

dealing with someone who didn't like you.

You should say:

  • who he/she was
  • why helshe didn't like you
  • how your behaviour was
  • and say what his or her reaction was.          

    When I first began working at ( ... ], I was the youngest member of the staff; about 23 years old,

    and had just finished my education. On the tirst day of my work, I met an older woman who

    was really familiar with the ins and outs of the place. When I was introduced by the manager of

    the department, she barely acknowledged my presence, and through word of mouth I realised

    that she thought that 1 was too young and immature to take up the job and be able to do my

    duties successfull y because 1 was so inexperienced. To prove my abil ities, I did my best and

    took every opportunity to make a good impression. I worked so hard and behaved in a highly

    professional manner at all times; so motivated to get the things done successfully. After about

    two weeks of si lent treatment from her, she came up to me and told me how well I had worked,

    and how impressed she had been with my performance. She apologised to me for ignoring me,

    shared what she knew with me and took me under her wing. In spite of the fact that she

    sometimes may seem unfriendly, she's so nice at heart.

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