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Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. Исполнитель

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Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that woman are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days, fathers should be as important as mothers since parents play an equal role in family life. However, while there some people who state that the concept whether to have babies or not decided by females makes them be solely responsible for growing up the children as well, I completely disagree with this statement as both parents should take a balance on taking care of their children.

Traditionally, it is believed that the children are usually disciplined and brought up by mothers. In my opinion, however, parenthood is a shared responsibility which means both mother and father ought to be involved in bringing the children up. In terms of sport, for instance, to teach the children a certain physical activity, men are more effective rather than women. Therefore, the children can be highly motivated by their fathers’ advice and recommendations, and also men can be a good role of model for their children. It is clear that fathers’ contribution is huge in family life.

From the other side, I believe that bringing up the children is the responsibility of woman as well. Because, there are some things that fathers are not able to do for their kids. For example, mothers acquire some useful skills, such as cleaning, doing wash-up or cooking, which might be really crucial for the children to learn. It can be clearly seen from this example that the role of women to take care the children is important. Thus, woman should be as responsible as men to grow the children up.

In conclusion, after considering the importance of men and women to bring up the children, once more I am inclined to believe that men should be as responsible as women to take care of the children.

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