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Governments should spend money on railroads rather than roads Исполнитель

Governments should spend money on railroads rather than roads
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Governments should spend money on railroads rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I agree up to a point=I partly agree=I partially agree

I totally agree=totally support this statement.

  • Railroads are eco-friendly
  • Cost effective
  • Roads are cheaper and easier to build
  • More accessible

There are some controversial debates on how to invest government’s money on transportation roads. It is widely supported that governments ought to spend much more money on railroads rather than land roads. When it comes to me, I partly agree with this argument as railroads are more environmentally friendly, but landlines are much cheaper and easier to build.

To start with, from an environmental point of view, trains are more eco-friendly as they do not release much harmful gases into atmosphere like cars do.  It is undeniable fact that land transport, because of their small capacity, cannot transport a lot of people as trains. Consequently, they release more pollution at surroundings. This example makes it clear that government officials appropriate much of their budget on ways to build railroads.

On the other hand, many people share the view that as regard to economic standpoint to construct land roads is cheaper and easier. For example, in countries like Kirgizstan, it is nearly impossible to build road system because of geographical and economic conditions. As this country is surrounded by mountains as well as having fragile economy, they are not ready to make colossal investment on railroads. Considering this aspect, governments had better use their money wisely, investing on land transportation.

To draw a conclusion, after considering disadvantages and advantages of both types of transportation, I once more agree up to a point to the statement that governments should divert much money into railroads from land roads.  It is recommended that authorities should think deeply by analyzing the economic and geographic matters before investing in transport systems.

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