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Nowadays the number of cars on roads is increasing incrementally. Исполнитель

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Nowadays the number of cars on roads is increasing incrementally. In order to change this trend strict road tolls should be paid on busy roads.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days, there is a dramatic rise in the number of vehicles on roads. By charging strict road tolls for busy roads, this trend can be changed. Whilst I agree with this assertion, I maintain that this charging policy cannot be affordable for everyone.

It is true that roads are, day by day, becoming more congested than ever before due to the increased number of cars. However, strict road tolls ought to be charged for entering busy roads in order to prevent them to be overcrowded with vehicles. By this approach, the rising number of cars can be diminished moderately in that traffic congestion is usually caused by commuters travelling to work, and they tend to travel at the same time of day[A1] . If there are strict road tolls to be paid on busy roads, some of the commuters may be reluctant to spend money on these traffic jams. Therefore, it can reduce the number of cars on busy roads, especially during the rush hours.

On the other hand, I assert that strict road tolls might not be the solution to change this trend because some people cannot afford to be charged for busy roads. For example, if people spend money on road tolls on a daily basis to enter busy roads, there is a strong likelihood that financial burden can be problem forthem. As a result, some people might stop going to work because of strict road tolls. This situation in turn might lead to the increase in unemployment rate which can be very negative for the country. Accordingly, other measures should be taken to change this trend rather than charging policy.

In conclusion, I believe introducing strict road tolls cannot be the best option to reduce the huge number of vehicles on roads.

 [A1]The structure is confusing. don’t use Place+V  structure

 This essay was written by Elyor, Navoient pectivelyy from the main topic. essay and is worth as high as 6+. n english

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