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The road accident claim for too many lives. What can government and individuals do reduce this problem? Исполнитель

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Nowadays, the number of accidents is increasing with high pace and it is the biggest issue facing the world today. Unfortunately, road accidents claim too many lives. That is why some steps should be taken in order to tackle the problem of accidents. One of the major causes of this issue is that many drivers do not know about road signs. Moreover, highway patrols do not spend much on patrolling.

At the following paragraphs, I will consider the causes of the problem of road accidents and try to put forward some possible solutions.


First of all, a driving school has to pay much attention to drivers during the education. For example, all drivers have to be well-skilled before giving a driving license. Furthermore, a final exam of driving school has to be tough for candidates in order to improve their ability to drive. Thus, this solution can be a key of the problem of road accidents.


Second of all, the patrolling on the road helps to reduce the proportion of accidents and a highway patrol has to be responsible for patrolling. For instance, if police officers patrol on the road 24 hours, they will catch many drunk drivers who cause of accidents. By this way, the government can secure many lives of local people.


In conclusion, the responsibility should fall to the government to solve this problem.

In future, if new electronics are created that help to protect many lives, it would be the biggest solution in our society.



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