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Some people think that computers are more of a hindrance than a help in today's society... Исполнитель

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Some people think that computers are more of a hindrance than a help in today's society. Others believe that they are such indispensable tools that they would not be able to live or work without them.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.


As technological tools (particularly computers) are spreading dramatically around the world, the demand for them is also increasing simultaneously. Some people argue that the pitfalls of computers to society can overshadow its benefits. Nevertheless, others adopt an opposing view and tent to believe that a computer is one of the most necessary technological items which they would not be able to live and work without them. My view is that the drawbacks of computers can outweigh their advantages.

Computers are being considered by many as a tool which has more hindrance than aid in today’s society. It is not a secret that young people are becoming more addicted to computers (especially computer games, Internet). They are misspending their time on computer games and Internet instead of playing traditional games which are being handed down from generation to generation. Moreover, computers can be risk for public health (such as vision system) and they might cause other harmful consequences.

When its downside persists, computers have proven indispensable in modern life. Apparently, it is vital for office workers to produce documents, useful for getting data and news from the Internet, utile for study and other purposes. Another advantage of computers is that they can hold huge amount of information. Given those factors make it clear that computers will continue to perform their role as a key social tool.

From what has been discussed above, one can reach a conclusion that computers have more pitfalls than help in today’s society and opposing view is that it is considered as an indispensable tool.


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