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There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Исполнитель

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There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?

Today, music is heard everywhere and there are many types of music we can listen to. There are some heated debates about why we need music and the privileges of country music than international one which is being more popular nowadays. In the following paragraphs, these questions will be addressed in detail with some further explanations and arguments.

Many people share the view that music can influence to the mood of human beings. For example, when we listen to funny or dance music, we will be more motivated and energetic. But, when we are tired and depressed, soul music helps us more to be relaxed and enjoy. Therefore, the role of music in our life is crucial and cannot be denied.

There are some people who argue that traditional music is more beneficial than the international one, like rock, pop and hip-hop that are beloved by many, especially by youth. They consider that country music is a heritage of the nation, making it unique and attractive to foreigners. On the other hand, international music is a bridge to make world nations closer to find a common language. Therefore, its role should not be rejected too.

In conclusion, no matter its types, music is integral part of our life, making it more meaningful and pleasurable. Both international and country music have their own role. Therefore, they should not be overtaken than each other. Instead, simultaneously, they should be supported by establishing music schools or organizing international music festival where people can perform their traditional music as well as international ones.

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