Students should not have any part-time or full-time job because they need to spend more time on studying. Исполнитель
Nowadays, most students are working in order to provide themselves with sufficient money.They have a part time or full-time job alternatively to their study. From my point of view, working after study cannot be a hindrance to a students’ learning process. In the following paragraphs I will support my point of view with some examples and reasons.
Undoubtedly, working students have many merits, especially work skills and sociability. By the way of illustration, if they worked anywhere like markets or shops they would always get in touch with many customers and clearly it would help them to improve their communication skills. Alternatively to this, they would obtain work experience, toiling in different fields and become more mature and independent than those do not work. Thus, it is obvious when looking at these examples that if students toiled in order to provide themselves, it would not be to misspend their time.
It should be noted that students would earn enough money in order that they would provide themselves financially if they worked. Take personal expenses or expenditures they do for example. They can pay not only all these expenditures but also university fees without parent’s financial support. By supplying themselves from financial site they can easily adopt real life which is without their parent’s support and learn how to save money and keep their budget. From these it can become quite evident that they have responsibility with money and the labor cost value.
All in all, students would gain work experience and social knowledge, simultaneously would earn money if they worked in part time or full-time jobs. Moreover, they would not be financially dependent on their parents. In my opinion, spending much time on studying is not vital in today’s world because work experience and sociability are becoming more important than academic knowledge to build bright future for students.